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4D v20 R7



SVG_New_embedded_image ( parentSVGObject ; Bild {; x {; y}}{; codec} ) -> Funktionsergebnis 
Parameter Typ   Beschreibung
parentSVGObject  SVG_Ref in Reference of parent element
Bild  Bild in Picture to be embedded
Lange Ganzzahl in Coordinate on X axis of upper left corner
Lange Ganzzahl in Coordinate on Y axis of upper left corner
codec  Text in Codec to use
Funktionsergebnis  SVG_Ref in SVG object reference

The SVG_New_embedded_image command can be used to embed the picture picture in the SVG container designated by parentSVGObject and to return its reference. If parentSVGObject is not an SVG document, an error is generated.

The picture will be encoded in base64 then embedded in the document.

The picture parameter is a 4D picture field or variable.

The optional x and y parameters can be used to specify the position of the upper left corner of the picture in the SVG containers (default value 0).

The optional codec parameter sets the codec to use for the picture. By default, if this parameter is omitted, the codec is ".png".

Embed the ‘logo4D.png’ picture located in the ‘Resources’ folder:

 $Path:=Get 4D folder(Current resources folder)+"logo4D.png")
 READ PICTURE FILE($Path;$Picture)
 End if

Siehe auch 



Produkt: 4D
Thema: Drawing
Nummer: 65968

Dieser Befehl kann in preemptive Prozessen laufen


Erstellt: Composant 4D SVG v11.3
Geändert: 4D v13


4D SVG ( 4D v20 R7)