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4D v19.8
file.getText( )

file.getText( ) 


file.getText ( {charSet}{;}{breakMode} ) -> Result 
Parameter Type   Description
charSet  Text, Longint in Name or number of character set
breakMode  Longint in Processing mode for line breaks
Result  Text in Text from the document

The file.getText( ) method returns the contents of the file as text. 

The file referenced in the file object must exist on the disk, otherwise an error is generated. 

In charSet, pass the character set to be used for reading the contents. You can pass a string containing the standard set name (for example “ISO-8859-1” or “UTF-8”) or its MIBEnum ID (longint). For more information about the list of character sets supported by 4D, refer to the description of the CONVERT FROM TEXT command. 

If the document contains a Byte Order Mark (BOM), 4D uses the character set that it has set instead of the one specified in charSet (this parameter is then ignored).  

If the document does not contain a BOM and if the charSet parameter is omitted, by default 4D uses the “UTF-8” character sets.

In breakMode, you can pass a longint indicating the processing to apply to end-of-line characters in the document. The following constants of the "System Documents" theme are available:

Constant Type Value Comment
Document unchanged Longint 0 No processing
Document with native format Longint 1

(Default) Line breaks are converted to the native format of the operating system: LF (line feed) under macOS, CRLF (carriage return + line feed) under Windows

Document with CRLF Longint 2

Line breaks are converted to CRLF (carriage return + line feed), the default Windows format.

Document with CR Longint 3

Line breaks are converted to CR (carriage return), the default Classic Mac OS format.

Document with LF Longint 4

Line breaks are converted to LF (line feed), the default Unix and macOS format. 

By default, when you omit the breakMode parameter, line breaks are processed in native mode (1).


Returned value

Text of the file.


Given the following text document (fields are separated by tabs):

id name price vat
3 thé 1.06€ 19.6
2 café 1.05€ 19.6

When you execute this code:

 $myFile:=Folder(fk documents folder).file("Billing.txt") //UTF-8 by default

... you get:

  // $Text = "id name price vat\r\n3 thé 1.06€\t19.6\r\n2\tcafé\t1.05€\t19.6"
  // \t = tab
  // \r = CR

See also 

file.setText( )


Product: 4D
Theme: File and Folder

This command can be run in preemptive processes


Created: 4D v17 R5


4D Language Reference ( 4D v19)
4D Language Reference ( 4D v19.1)
4D Language Reference ( 4D v19.4)
4D Language Reference ( 4D v19.5)
4D Language Reference ( 4D v19.6)
4D Language Reference ( 4D v19.7)
4D Language Reference ( 4D v19.8)