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4D v19.8



SET PRINT OPTION ( option ; value1 {; value2} ) 
Parameter Type   Description
option  Longint in Option number or PDF option code
value1  Longint, Text in Value 1 of the option
value2  Longint, Text in Value 2 of the option

The SET PRINT OPTION command is used to modify, by programming, the value of a print option. Each option defined using this command is applied to the entire database and for the duration of the session as long as no other command that modifies print parameters (PRINT SETTINGS, PRINT SELECTION without the > parameter, etc.) is called. If a print job has been opened (e.g. with OPEN PRINTING JOB), the option is set for the job and cannot be modified as long as the job has not terminated (except for the Orientation option, see below) .

The option parameter allows you to indicate the option to be modified. You can pass either one of the predefined constants of the “Print Options” theme, or a PDF option code (usable with the PDFCreator driver under Windows only).

Pass the new value(s) of the specified option in the value1 and (optionally) value2 parameters. The number and nature of the values to be passed depend on the type of option specified.

The following table lists the options and their possible values:

Constant Type Value Comment
Paper option Longint 1 If you use only value1, it contains the name of the paper. If you use both parameters, value1 contains the paper width and value2 contains the paper height. The width and height are expressed in screen pixels. Use the PRINT OPTION VALUES command to get the name, height and width of all the paper formats offered by the printer.
Orientation option Longint 2

value1 only: 1=Portrait, 2=Landscape. If a different orientation option is used, GET PRINT OPTION returns 0 in value1. This option can be called within a print job, which means that you can switch from portrait to landscape, or vice versa, during the same print job.

Scale option Longint 3 value1 only: scale value in percentage. Be careful, some printers do not allow you to modify the scale. If you pass an invalid value, the property is reset to 100% at the time of printing.
Number of copies option Longint 4 value1 only: number of copies to be printed.
Paper source option Longint 5 (Windows only) value1 only: number corresponding to the index, in the array of trays returned by the PRINT OPTION VALUES command, of the paper tray to be used. This option can only be used under Windows.
Destination option Longint 9

value1: code specifying the type of print destination: 1=Printer, 2=File (PS on Mac), 3=PDF file, 5=Screen (OS X driver option).
If value1 is different from 1 or 5, value2 contains pathname for resulting document. This path will be used until another path is specified. If a file with the same name already exists at the destination location, it will be replaced. With GET PRINT OPTION, if the current value is not in the predefined list, value1 contains -1 and the system variable OK is set to 1. If an error occurs, value1 and the system variable OK are set to 0.
Note (Windows)
: To print PDF on Windows, you have to call SET CURRENT PRINTER(Generic PDF driver) and set the printing destination to 2 (File) or 3 (PDF File). Setting 3 lets you write multi-platform code. In addition, if the PDF Creator driver has been installed and if a regular printer is selected, when the (9;3;path) values are passed, 4D automatically starts a "silent" PDF printing which takes into account any option codes that are passed (note that if you pass an empty string in value2 or omit this parameter, a file saving dialog appears at the time of printing.) After printing, the current settings are restored.

Double sided option Longint 11

value1: 0=Single-sided or standard, 1=Double-sided. If value1=1, value2 contains the binding: 0=Left binding (default value), 1=Top binding.

Spooler document name option Longint 12 value1 only: name of the current print document, which appears in the list of spooler documents. The name defined by this statement will be used for all the print documents of the session for as long as a new name or an empty string is not passed. To use or restore standard operation (using the method name in the case of a method, the table name for a record, etc.), pass an empty string in value1.
Page range option Longint 15 value1=first page to print (default value is 1) and (optional) value2=number of the last page to print (default value -1 = end of document).
Legacy printing layer option Longint 16

(Windows only) value1 only: 1=select the GDI-based legacy printing layer for the subsequent printing jobs. 0=select the D2D printing layer (default). This selector is mainly intended to allow legacy plug-ins to print inside 4D jobs in 4D applications on Windows.

Once set using this command, a print option is kept throughout the duration of the session for the entire 4D application. It will be used by the PRINT SELECTION, PRINT RECORD, Print form, QR REPORT and WP PRINT commands, as well as for all 4D printing, including that in Design mode.


  • It is indispensable to use the optional > parameter with the PRINT SELECTION, PRINT RECORD and PAGE BREAK commands in order to avoid resetting the print options that were set using the SET PRINT OPTION command.
  • The SET PRINT OPTION command mainly supports PostScript printers. You can use this command with other types of printers, such as PCL or Ink, but in this case, it is possible that some options may not be available.

In order to be able to use a PDF option code in the option parameter, you must have installed the PDFCreator driver in your 4D environment (for more information, refer to the Integration of PDFCreator driver under Windows section). Moreover, in order for option codes to be taken into account, you need to have enabled control of PDF printing for 4D using the following statement:

 SET PRINT OPTION(Destination option;3;fileName)

Otherwise, option codes are ignored.

A PDFoption code is a Text type value consisting of two parts, OptionType and OptionName, combined together as "OptionType:OptionName". Here is the description of this code:

  • OptionType Indicates whether you are specifying a native PDFCreator option or a 4D PDF administration option. Two values are accepted:
    • PDFOptions = native option
    • PDFInfo = internal option.
  • OptionName Specifies the option to be set (depending on the OptionType value).
    • If OptionType = PDFOptions, you can pass one of several PDFCreator native options in OptionName. For example, the UseAutosave option affects the automatic backup. In order to be able to modify this option, pass "PDFOptions:UseAutosave" in the option parameter and the value to be used in the value1 parameter. For a complete description of the PDFCreator native options, please refer to the documentation provided with the PDFCreator driver.
    • If OptionType = PDFInfo, you can pass one of the following specific selectors in OptionName:
      • Reset print: used to reset the internal waiting status in order, more particularly, to exit from an infinite loop. In this case, value1 is not used.
      • Reset standard options: used to reset all the PDFCreator options to their default values. If printing is in progress, the default settings are applied after its completion. In this case, value1 is not used.
      • Start: used to start or stop the PDFCreator spooler. Pass 0 in value1 to stop it and 1 to start it.
      • Reset options: used to reset all the options modified since the beginning of the session using the SET PRINT OPTION command and the PDFOptions selector.
      • Version: used to read the current version number of the PDFCreator driver. This selector can only be used with the GET PRINT OPTION command. The number is returned in the value1 parameter.
      • Last error: used to read the last error returned by the PDFCreator driver. This selector can only be used with the GET PRINT OPTION command. The error number is returned in the value1 parameter.
      • Print in progress: used to find out if 4D is waiting for printing by PDFCreator. This selector can only be used with the GET PRINT OPTION command. The value1 parameter returns 1 if 4D is waiting for PDFCreator and 0 otherwise. 
      • Job count: used to find out the number of jobs waiting in the printing queue. This selector can only be used with the GET PRINT OPTION command. The number of jobs is returned in the value1 parameter.
      • Synchronous Mode: used to set the synchronization mode betwen printing requests sent by 4D and the PDFCreator driver. Since 4D cannot get information about the current status of a print job that is in the printing queue, this option can be used to better control the execution of the jobs by only sending them when the status of the PDFCreator driver is "free". In this case, 4D is synchronized with the driver. Pass 0 in value1 for 4D to send print requests immediately (default value) and 1 in order for 4D to be synchronized and to wait for the driver to have finished the job in progress before sending another one. 

Note: After each printing, 4D automatically re-establishes the previous settings of the PDFCreator driver in order to avoid any interference with other programs using PDFCreator.

The following method enables the PDF driver so as to print all the records of the table at the C:\Test\Test_PDF_X location where X is the sequence number of the record: 

  // Under Windows, select the virtual printer installed by PDFCreator
 If(OK=1) // If PDFCreator is actually installed
    ALL RECORDS([Table_1])
    For($i;1;Records in selection([Table_1]))
       SET PRINT OPTION(Destination option;3;"C:\\Test\\Test_PDF_"+String($i))
  // Destination option 3 launches a PDFCreator print job
       PRINT RECORD([Table_1];*)
       NEXT RECORD([Table_1])
    End for
  // Resetting of the PDFCreator driver options
    SET PRINT OPTION("PDFInfo:Reset standard options";0)
 End if

The value of Orientation option can be modified within the same print job. Note that the option must have been set before the PAGE BREAK command:

 ALL RECORDS([People])
    SET PRINT OPTION(Orientation option;1) //portrait
    Print form([People];"Vertical_Form")
    SET PRINT OPTION(Orientation option;2) //landscape
    PAGE BREAK //must be called imperatively AFTER the option
    Print form([People];"Horiz_Form")
 End if

The system variable OK is set to 1 if the command has been executed correctly; otherwise, it is set to 0.

If you pass an invalid option code (option not recognized by PDFCreator for example), OK is set to 0.

If the value passed for an option is invalid or if it is not available on the printer, the command returns an error (that you can intercept using an error-handling method installed by the ON ERR CALL command) and the current value of the option remains unchanged.

See also 

Print Options


Product: 4D
Theme: Printing
Number: 733

The OK variable is changed by the commandThis command modifies the Error system variableThis command has platform-specific behaviorThis command has platform-specific behavior


Modified: 4D 2004.3
Modified: 4D v12
Modified: 4D v12.2
Modified: 4D v15 R5
Modified: 4D v16


4D Language Reference ( 4D v19)
4D Language Reference ( 4D v19.1)
4D Language Reference ( 4D v19.4)
4D Language Reference ( 4D v19.5)
4D Language Reference ( 4D v19.6)
4D Language Reference ( 4D v19.7)
4D Language Reference ( 4D v19.8)