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4D v20.6



Null -> Function result 
Parameter Type   Description
Function result  Null in Null value

Null returns the Null type value null.

This function allows you to assign or compare the null value to the following language elements:

Language elementsComments
object property valuesComparing Null to an object property returns true if the property value is null, and false otherwise. To simplify code, comparing Null also returns true if the property does not exist in the object (i.e. is Undefined), see example 4. 
collection elementsWhen a collection is expanded by adding non-adjacent elements, any intermediary elements get automatically the null value.
object variables (C_OBJECT)See (*) below
collection variables (C_COLLECTION)See (*) below
pointer variables (C_POINTER)See (*) below
picture variables (C_PICTURE)(*) Assigning the null value to such a variable type clears its contents. In this case, it has the same effect as calling the CLEAR VARIABLE command.
variant variables (C_VARIANT)

Note: This command cannot be used with scalar database fields. Null values in database fields are managed by the SQL engine, and are handled through the Is field value Null and SET FIELD VALUE NULL commands,

You want to assign and test the null value to an object property:

 vEmp:=New object"Smith"
 End if
 End if
 End if

Note: This example requires that the object notation is activated in the database.

You want to assign and compare the null value to a collection element:

 myCol:=New collection(10;20;Null)
  // if the 3rd element is null
 End if

These examples show the various ways to assign or compare the null value to variables: 

  //Object variable
 $o:=New object
 $o:=Null //equivalent to CLEAR VARIABLE($o)
 If($o#Null//equivalent to If (OB Is defined($o))
 End if

  //Collection variable
 $c:=New collection
 $c:=Null //equivalent to CLEAR VARIABLE($c)
 End if

  //Pointer variable
 $p:=Null //equivalent to CLEAR VARIABLE($p)
 If($p=Null//equivalent to If (Is Nil pointer($p))
 End if

  //Picture variable
 $i:=Null //equivalent to CLEAR VARIABLE($i)
 If($i#Null//equivalent to If (Picture size($i)#0)
 End if

Here are the different results of the Undefined command as well as the Null command with object properties, depending on the context:

 vEmp:=New object"Smith"
 $undefined:=Undefined( // False
 $undefined:=Undefined(vEmp.children) // False
 $undefined:=Undefined(vEmp.parent) // True

See also 

Is field value Null


Product: 4D
Theme: Language
Number: 1517

This command can be run in preemptive processes


Created: 4D v16 R4


4D Language Reference ( 4D v20)
4D Language Reference ( 4D v20.1)
4D Language Reference ( 4D v20.2)
4D Language Reference ( 4D v20.3)
4D Language Reference ( 4D v20.4)
4D Language Reference ( 4D v20.5)
4D Language Reference ( 4D v20.6)