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4D v19



IF ( valueTest , valueTrue , valueFalse ) 
Parameter Typ   Beschreibung
valueTest  Ausdruck in Value or expression to evaluate
valueTrue  Ausdruck in Value to return if the test evaluates to true
valueFalse  Ausdruck in Value to return if the test evaluates to false or 0

The IF function performs a comparison and returns one of two provided values based on that comparison. It accepts numeric (boolean) data and returns any data type.

The value of valueTest is evaluated. It must be or evaluate to numeric data, where non-zero values indicate TRUE, and a value of zero indicates FALSE. It may contain one of the relational operators: greater than (>), less than (<), equal to (=), or not equal to (<>). If valueTest is:

  • not zero (TRUE), then valueTrue is returned.
  • zero (FALSE), then valueFalse is returned.

You want to evaluate B1, giving the value of sales. 

IF(B1<200,"Declining result","Good result") //"Good result" is written if B1>200

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Produkt: 4D
Thema: Formeln in 4D View Pro



4D View Pro Handbuch ( 4D v19)