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4D v19



WP EXPORT VARIABLE ( wpDoc ; destination ; format {; option} )  
Parameter Type   Description
wpDoc  Object in 4D Write Pro variable
destination  Text variable, BLOB variable in Variable to receive exported contents
format  Longint in Variable output format
option  Object, Longint in Export options

The WP EXPORT VARIABLE command exports the wpDoc 4D Write Pro object to the 4D destination variable in the specified format.

In wpDoc, pass the 4D Write Pro object that you want to export.

In destination, pass the variable that you want to fill with the exported 4D Write Pro object. The type of this variable depends on the export format specified in the format parameter:

  • If you pass the native .4wp format or the .docx format, the variable will be of the Blob type,
  • If you pass an HTML format, the variable will be of the Text type.

In the format parameter, pass a constant from the 4D Write Pro Constants theme to set the export format you want to use. Each format is related to a specific use. The following formats are supported:

Constant Type Value Comment
wk 4wp Longint 4 The 4D Write Pro document is saved in a native archive format (zipped HTML and images saved in a separate folder). 4D specific tags are included and 4D expressions are not computed. This format is particularly suitable for saving and archiving 4D Write Pro documents on disk without any loss.
wk docx Longint 7 .docx extension. 4D Write Pro document is saved in Microsoft Word format. Certified support for Microsoft Word 2010 and newer.
The document parts exported are:
  • Body / headers / footers / sections
  • Page / print settings (margins, background color / image, borders, padding, paper size / orientation)
  • Images - inline, anchored, and background image pattern (defined with wk background image)
  • Compatible variables and expressions (page number, number of pages, date, time, metadata). Non-compatible variables and expressions will be evaluated and frozen before export.
  • Links -
    • Bookmarks
    • URLs
Note that some 4D Write Pro settings may not be available or may behave differently in Microsoft Word.
wk mime html Longint 1 4D Write Pro document is saved as standard MIME HTML with HTML documents and images embedded as MIME parts (encoded in base64). Expressions are computed and 4D specific tags are removed. This format is particularly suitable for sending HTML emails with the SMTP_QuickSend command.
wk pdf Longint 5

.pdf extension. 4D Write Pro document is saved in PDF format, based on Page view mode.


The following metadata is exported in a PDF document:

  • Title 
  • Author 
  • Subject 
  • Content creator 


  • Expressions are automatically frozen when document is exported
  • Links to methods are NOT exported
wk web page html 4D Longint 3 4D Write Pro document is saved as HTML and includes 4D specific tags; each expression is inserted as a non-breaking space. Since this format is lossless, it is appropriate for storing purposes in a text field.


  • "4D specific tags" means 4D XHTML with a 4D namespace and 4D CSS styles.
  • For more information about the 4D Write Pro document format, refer to .4wp document format.
  • To view a list of known differences or incompatibility when using the .docx format, see Importing and Exporting in .docx format.

Pass an object in option containing the values to define the properties of the exported document. The following properties are available:  

Constant Value Comment
wk CID host domain name cidHostDomain

CID host domain name: host domain that will be added to generated CID URLs including an '@' as separator. Available only when the wk mime html format is used.

wk HTML pretty print htmlPrettyPrint

HTML code is formatted to be easier to read.

wk max picture DPI maxPictureDPI

Used for resampling (reducing) images to preferred resolution. For SVG images in Windows, used for rasterization. 

Default values: 

  • 300 (for wk optimized for = wk print)
  • 192 (for wk optimized for = wk screen)

Maximum possible value: 1440

wk optimized for optimizedFor

Defines how an exported document is optimized based on its intended medium. 

Possible values:

  • wk print (default value for wk pdf)
    • Bitmap pictures may be downscaled using the DPI defined by wk max picture DPI or 300 (default value) and may be converted to PNG if codec is not supported for the export type.
    • Vectorial pictures are converted to PNG using the DPI defined by wk max picture DPI or 300 (Windows only)
    • If a picture contains more than one format, the best format for printing is used (e.g., .tiff instead or .jpg)
  • wk screen (default value for wk web page complete and wk mime html)
    • Bitmap pictures may be downscaled using the DPI defined by wk max picture DPI or 192 (default value) and may be converted to JPEG (opaque images) or PNG (transparent images) if codec is not supported for the export type.
    • Vectorial pictures are converted to PNG using the DPI defined by wk max picture DPI or 192 (Windows only)
    • If a picture contains more than one format, the format for screen rendering is used.
wk recompute formulas recomputeFormulas

Defines if formulas must be recomputed when exported. Possible values: 

  • true - Default value. All formulas are recomputed 
  • false - Do not recompute formulas
wk visible background visibleBackground

Displays both background images and background color (visible effect in Page or Embedded view mode only). Possible values: True/False

wk visible footers visibleFooters

Displays or exports the footers (for display, visible effect in Page view mode only). Possible values: True/False

wk visible headers visibleHeaders

Displays or exports the headers (for display, visible effect in Page view mode only). Possible values: True/False

wk visible references visibleReferences

Displays or exports all 4D expressions inserted in the document as references. Possible values: True/False



The following table indicates the option available per export format



     wk 4wp     wk docx     wk mime html     wk pdf     wk web page html 4D 
wk CID host domain name
   -    -        -    -
wk HTML pretty print
    (default: false)    -     (default: False)     (default: False)     (default: False)
wk max picture DPI
    -    always 300         (default: 300)    -
wk optimized for
   -    always wk print     (default:wk screen
    always wk print    -
wk recompute formulas
   -     (default: true)     (default: true)     (default: true)    -
wk visible background
   -    always true    always true     (default: true)    -
wk visible footers
   -    always true    always false     (default: true)    -
wk visible headers
   -    always true    always false     (default: true)    -
wk visible references
   -    -    -     (default: false)    -


Compatibility Note: Passing a longint value in option is supported for compatibility reasons, but it is recommended to use an object parameter. 

You want to export the contents of the myArea 4D Write Pro object in MIME format and add "" as the host domain:

 var $option;$export : Object
 $option[wk CID host domain name]:=""
 WP EXPORT VARIABLE(myArea;$export;wk mime html;$option)

You want to send an email containing styled text, 4D references and images. You can use a 4D Write Pro area exported in MIME format and sent using SMTP:

  // create the transporter
 $server:=New object
 $transporter:=SMTP New transporter($server)
 WP EXPORT VARIABLE(WParea;$mime;wk mime html)
 $mailTmp:=MAIL Convert from MIME($mime)
  // add pictures (if any)
 End if
    ALERT("An error occurred: "+$status.statusText)
 End if

See also 

Importing and Exporting in .docx format


Product: 4D
Theme: 4D Write Pro Language
Number: 1319

This command can be run in preemptive processes


Created: 4D v14 R5
Modified: 4D v15 R2
Modified: 4D v17 R4


4D Write Pro Reference ( 4D v19)