4D View Pro range objects are composed of several properties:
- area - The name of the 4D View Pro area
- ranges - A collection of range object(s). Available properties within each range object depend on the range object type. For example, a column range object will only include the .column and .sheet properties.
Property | | Type | Description | Available for |
area | | text | 4D View Pro area form object name | always available |
ranges | | collection | Collection of range(s) | always available |
| [ ].name | text | Range name | name |
| [ ].sheet | number | Sheet index (current sheet index by default) (counting begins at 0) | cell, cells, row, rows, column, columns, all, name |
| [ ].row | number | Row index (counting begins at 0) | cell, cells, row, rows |
| [ ].rowCount | number | Row count | cells, rows |
| [ ].column | number | Column index (counting begins at 0) | cell, cells, column, columns |
| [ ].columnCount | number | Column count | cells, columns |