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4D v20.6
List Box
Constant | Type | Value | Comment |
_o_lk display hor scrollbar | Longint | 2 | ***Constant deprecated*** Use OBJECT GET SCROLLBAR command. |
_o_lk display ver scrollbar | Longint | 4 | ***Constant deprecated*** Use OBJECT GET SCROLLBAR command. |
_o_lk footer height | Longint | 9 | ***Constant deprecated*** Use LISTBOX Get footers height command. |
_o_lk header height | Longint | 1 | ***Constant deprecated*** Use LISTBOX Get headers height command. |
_o_lk hor scrollbar position | Longint | 6 | ***Constant deprecated*** Use OBJECT GET SCROLL POSITION command. |
_o_lk ver scrollbar position | Longint | 7 | ***Constant deprecated*** Use OBJECT GET SCROLL POSITION command. |
lk add to selection | Longint | 1 | Add selected row(s) to the existing selection. If a specified row already belongs to the existing selection, it is ignored. |
lk all | Longint | 0 | The command affects all sub-levels (default value, used when parameter is omitted). |
lk allow wordwrap | Longint | 14 | Wordwrap property Applies to: Column* Possible values:
lk auto row height | Longint | 31 | Automatic row height property for array type list box
lk automatic | Longint | 2 | Columns are automatically resized along with list box (Column Auto-Resizing property checked). |
lk background color | Longint | 1 | |
lk background color array | Longint | 1 | |
lk background color expression | Longint | 22 | Background Color Expression property for record selection, collection or entity selection type list boxes |
lk break row | Longint | 2 | The command affects the sub-level to which the "cell" designated by the row and column parameters belongs. Note that these parameters represent the row and column numbers in the list box in standard mode and not in its hierarchical representation. If the row and column parameters are omitted, the command does nothing. |
lk cell horizontal padding | Longint | 36 | Cell horizontal padding in pixels (same value for left and right padding) |
lk cell vertical padding | Longint | 37 | Cell vertical padding in pixels (same value for top and bottom padding) |
lk column max width | Longint | 26 | Maximum Width property Applies to: Column* |
lk column min width | Longint | 25 | Minimum Width property Applies to: Column* |
lk column resizable | Longint | 15 | Resizable property Applies to: Column* Possible values:
lk control array | Longint | 3 | |
lk detail form name | Longint | 19 | Detail Form Name property for selection type list box |
lk display | Longint | 0 | Displays extra blank rows added at bottom of list box. |
lk display footer | Longint | 8 | Display Footers property Applies to: List box Possible values:
lk display header | Longint | 0 | Display Headers property Applies to: List box Possible values:
lk display record | Longint | 2 | Double-clicking a row displays corresponding record in detail form defined for list box. The record is opened in read-only mode so it cannot be modified. |
lk display type | Longint | 21 | Display Type property for numeric columns Applies to: Column* Possible values:
lk do nothing | Longint | 0 | Double-clicking a list box row does not trigger any automatic action. |
lk double click on row | Longint | 18 | Double-click on row property for selection type list box Applies to: List box Possible values:
lk edit record | Longint | 1 | Double-clicking a row displays corresponding record in detail form defined for list box. The record is opened in read-write mode so it can be modified. |
lk extra rows | Longint | 13 | Hide extra blank rows property Applies to: List box Possible values:
lk font color | Longint | 0 | |
lk font color array | Longint | 0 | |
lk font color expression | Longint | 23 | Font Color Expression property for record selection, collection or entity selection type list boxes |
lk font style expression | Longint | 24 | Style Expression property for record selection, collection or entity selection type list boxes |
lk hide | Longint | 1 | Hides extra blank rows added at bottom of list box. |
lk hide selection highlight | Longint | 16 | Hide selection highlight property Applies to: List box Possible values:
lk highlight set | Longint | 27 | Highlight Set property for selection type list box |
lk hor scrollbar height | Longint | 3 | Height in pixels |
lk inherited | Longint | -255 | |
lk last printed row number | Longint | 0 | Returns in info the number of the last row printed. Lets you find out the number of the next row to be printed. The number returned may be greater than the number of rows actually printed if the list box contains invisible rows or if the OBJECT SET SCROLL POSITION command has been called. For example, if rows 1, 18 and 20 have been printed, info is 20. |
lk level | Longint | 3 | The command affects all the break rows corresponding to the level column. This parameter designates a column number in the list box in standard mode and not in its hierarchical representation. If the level parameter is omitted, the command does nothing. |
lk lines | Longint | 1 | Height is expressed as a number of lines. 4D calculates the height of a line according to the font. |
lk manual | Longint | 0 | Columns are not automatically resized along with list box (Column Auto-Resizing property not checked). |
lk meta expression | Longint | 34 | Meta Info Expression property for collection or entity selection type list boxes |
lk movable rows | Longint | 35 | Movable Rows property for array type list box
lk mulltiple | Longint | 2 | Several list box rows can be selected at once. |
lk multi style | Longint | 30 | Multi-style property Applies to: Column* Possible values:
lk named selection | Longint | 28 | Named Selection property for selection type list box |
lk no | Longint | 0 | |
lk none | Longint | 0 | |
lk numeric format | Longint | 0 | Numeric values displayed in numeric format in list box column. Value for lk display type property. |
lk pixels | Longint | 0 | Height is expressed as a number of pixels (default). |
lk printed height | Longint | 3 | Returns in info the height in pixels of the object actually printed (including headers, lines, etc.). Remember that if the number of rows to print is less than the "capacity" of the list box, its height is automatically reduced. |
lk printed rows | Longint | 1 | Returns in info the number of rows actually printed during the last call to the Print object command. This number includes any break rows added in the case of a hierarchical list box. For example, info is 10 if the list box contains 20 rows and the odd-numbered rows were hidden. |
lk printing is over | Longint | 2 | Returns in info a Boolean indicating whether the last (visible) row of the list box has actually been printed. True = row has been printed; Otherwise, False. |
lk remove from selection | Longint | 2 | Remove the selected row(s) from the existing selection. If a specified row does not belong to the existing selection, it is ignored. |
lk replace selection | Longint | 0 | Replace the existing selection with selected row(s), that become(s) the new selection (no event is generated). This is the default action (if the action parameter is omitted). |
lk resizing mode | Longint | 11 | Column Auto-Resizing property Applies to: List box Possible values:
lk row height array | Longint | 4 | (Licence 4D View Pro requise) |
lk row height unit | Longint | 17 | Unit of Row Height property Applies to: List box Possible values:
lk row is disabled | Longint | 2 | The corresponding row is disabled. The text and controls such as check boxes are dimmed or grayed out. Enterable text input areas are no longer enterable. Default value: Enabled |
lk row is hidden | Longint | 1 | The corresponding row is hidden. Hiding rows only affects the display of the list box. The hidden rows are still present in the arrays and can be managed by programming. The language commands, more particularly LISTBOX Get number of rows or LISTBOX GET CELL POSITION, do not take the displayed/hidden status of rows into account. For example, in a list box with 10 rows where the first 9 rows are hidden, LISTBOX Get number of rows returns 10. From the user’s point of view, the presence of hidden rows in a list box is not visibly discernible. Only visible rows can be selected (for example using the Select All command). Default value: Visible |
lk row is not selectable | Longint | 4 | The corresponding row is not selectable (highlighting is not possible). Enterable text input areas are no longer enterable unless the "Single-Click Edit" option is enabled. Controls such as check boxes and lists are still functional however. This setting is ignored if the list box selection mode is "None". Default value: Selectable |
lk row max height | Longint | 33 | |
lk row min height | Longint | 32 | |
lk selection | Longint | 1 | The command affects selected sub-levels. |
lk selection mode | Longint | 10 | Selection Mode property Applies to: List box Possible values:
lk single | Longint | 1 | Only one list box row can be selected at a time. |
lk single click edit | Longint | 29 | Single-Click Edit property Applies to: List box Possible values:
lk sortable | Longint | 20 | Sortable property Applies to: List box Possible values:
lk style array | Longint | 2 | |
lk three states checkbox | Longint | 1 | Columns with numeric values displayed as three-states check boxes. Value for lk display type property. |
lk truncate | Longint | 12 | Truncate with ellipsis property Applies to: List box or column Possible values:
lk ver scrollbar width | Longint | 5 | Width in pixels |
lk with ellipsis | Longint | 1 | Ellipsis displayed when contents of list box cell exceed column width. |
lk without ellipsis | Longint | 0 | No ellipsis displayed when contents of list box cell exceed column width. |
lk yes | Longint | 1 |
LISTBOX Get array
LISTBOX Get auto row height
LISTBOX Get footers height
LISTBOX Get headers height
LISTBOX Get property
LISTBOX Get row color as number
LISTBOX Get rows height
Managing List Box Objects
Product: 4D
Theme: List of constant themes
Modified: 4D v15 R4
Renamed: 4D v16
Modified: 4D v16 R2
Modified: 4D v16 R5
Modified: 4D v17
4D Language Reference ( 4D v20)
4D Language Reference ( 4D v20.1)
4D Language Reference ( 4D v20.2)
4D Language Reference ( 4D v20.3)
4D Language Reference ( 4D v20.4)
4D Language Reference ( 4D v20.5)
4D Language Reference ( 4D v20.6)